Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Entry Dated 4/4/2002

This post is important in that I now do believe that the doctor was right. We did have some trouble conceiving Little Monster. I am hoping that the next time we try to conceive we don't have the same troubles.

I had actually believed that Spring had sprung here in Nebraska, but NO. Spring must have decided to go on break, because Winter came back.. Oh well, the nice weather is due to return tomorrow... Can you believe it? It was SOO nice in Virginia.. All warm-ish, and here in Nebraska it was all of 30 degrees... I sure wish I had some of my own pictures from that trip, but I don't. I did, however, manage to hijack some pictures that I think are neat.

This is the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel. (picture removed) Not the Momma and I drove across it. It is a toll, and WOW is it a toll. 10 bucks to get across and back.. (or 20 if you are like Not the Momma, and don't turn around before you pass the toll, and have to pay twice). It was really neat. The bridge is between 20 and 30 miles long, and you can see the end of the earth when you are on it. On our way back, we even got to watch a ship that was in the USS Theodore Roosevelt Battle Group head back towards the Norfolk Naval Base. I think we decided it was an LHA. Don't worry, that is a type of ship, I don't know what that stands for, but I can tell you that LSD is Landing Ship Docking.. Whoo hoo!! I think the ship was the USS Nassau. (If that isn't how you spell it, I am very sorry.)

This is the Norfolk Harbor.(picture removed) We saw that, really we did. We also visited the USS Wisconsin, which is currently out of commission, but I can now say that I have been on a Navy Ship! Whoo hoo!! Some day I am sure I will be making my Mom, Dad, and perhaps a sister or two tour the thing as well. The audio tour is neat. although, when it is raining, you don't get to see the whole thing, unless you are from Mexico, and you have an Admiral taking you on the tour. Then, you get to see EVERYTHING!! Yah. That means, there were some sailors from Mexico visiting the ship at the same time. I am not sure, but I think the Mexican ship was still using sails. Sure tells you about how privileged we are in the Good ol’ US of A.

In other news:
After fighting with my doctor about how I don't really fit the profile, she swears that I have
PCOS. I guess the hormones say it all. It is a fun syndrome, that has the following symptoms:

  • High blood pressure
  • Acne
  • Elevated insulin levels, Insulin Resistance, or Diabetes
  • Infertility
  • Excess hair on the face and body
  • Thinning of the scalp hair (alopecia)
  • Weight Problems or obesity that is centered around your mid section

I tried to tell her that I have none of these things, but i guess that doesn't matter. It is a pretty crappy thing, but at least I don't have any of the symptoms. Other than that, things are going pretty well.

Entry Dated 3/26/02

Spring Break has come and gone. I can't believe it. I forgot my camera. Not the Momma forgot his camera. (In answer to the guestbook entry.) We have absolutely no pictures whatsoever of our trip. We did have a good time. We found two areas that are good for us to live in, and they are close to where we need to be, and I am actually excited to move out there. We got to rent a Ford Mustang, which is now Not the Momma’s vehicle of choice, other than the Dodge Ram of course. Other news: Not the Momma’s friends wrecked his motorcycle while we were in Virginia. They hit a deer, and all involved are okay, but the bike, isn't in quite as good of health.

Entry Dated 2/14/02

Our Very first valentine's Day. How gross and mushy.

Someone sent me a dozen yellow roses today... Why? I don't know... Because they are a sweetheart. Who? I don't know. Can you take a wild guess? Not the Momma is altogether too good to me.. Now, I will quit before I get too mushy and make everyone want to vomit. I hope everyone likes my Men Without Hats Poll.. Although, I am a little disappointed that almost everyone has picked that they would like to skip with the midgets at the circus. Now, I hope that most of you know that this is what goes on throughout the entire Safety Dance music video. I also would like to point out that just talking about the damn thing has put the song in my head... I wish I could require people to put who they are in there, because I would really like to see who has voted.. I know that I voted once, and I know for sure about 3 other people, but there are I believe 5 or 6 votes, and that means that there are a couple of unaccounted for votes.. One COULD be L... Maybe HE is the other person that picked killing MWOH, but there still would be one more.. WHO? WHO? (eyebrows down) WHO?... Okay.. Now I suppose I should explain that when you ask a WH-? question in ASL you are supposed to make your eyebrows go down, which is the reason for that comment.. Okay.. I should probably get back to doing real work, but the sweet smell of roses is distracting me...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Entry Dated 2/5/02

I remember this trip. We rode for miles and miles and hours and hours on Not the Momma's motorcycle. It was freezing. We went to Cracker Barrel and were using the candle on the table as heat. I-friend however, was trying to get some heat from the waitress. It was cute, and fun. I-friend is now married. Don't know what Roommate is doing but we both hope he's happy in whatever endeavors he's taken up.

The last month has been fun. Not the Momma has had walking pneumonia, which is a scream and a half, because he will cough up a lung at very inopportune times. Remember how I wished for those 52F days?? We got a couple of those and I spent an entire Saturday afternoon riding around Lincoln and nearby areas with Not the Momma on his bike. That was fun, but I couldn't walk normal for days. That night was fun though. Not the Momma, Roommate, I-Friend, and I all went to the Cracker Barrel for dinner. The waitress was cute, although she looked about 16 (I can't say much, because I am the same way), and was flirting big time with I-Friend. So I gave I-Friend some advice, and he left her his number. I haven't heard anything about what went on after that, but she should call him.. He's a nice pizza boy. I also decided to follow my friend G’s footsteps and get fat. It worked too well, and now I am being "forced" (okay, i am not really being forced) to go to Sports Courts and do stuff like run, swim, play racquetball and all that. I will complain more next week after I actually start doing it. I am majorly excited for Spring Break. Can you say ROAD TRIP!!!! I am driving halfway across the country and back. I will spend a few days with my uncle, go to Six Flags and get blastedly sick, but hey, that is what rollercoasters are all about, right??

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Entry Dated 1/2/2002

Don't judge me for these entries. I have promised full disclosure of my old blog, so I am not editing. Expect a lot of apologies from me on this site.

I guess I will just start putting updates out here as to what is going on.. Just in case anyone cares.. hee hee...First of all... HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Whoo hoo.. I am finally back on a normal sleep schedule.. I spent the past two weeks being up all night and sleeping all day...This morning, I actually WOKE UP at 6:00 (okay, so I woke up, with grand delusions of doing yoga, went back to sleep, thinking, I will do yoga at 7, but then I woke up at quarter to 8, and actually got ready for work). I am a lazy bastard, and when I actually start working out, I am going to die... There is this really sweet guy (at least he used to be sweet :-) who is "helping" me to die faster... those stupid navy exercises could kill someone... Oh well... I will be in shape at the worst.
I hate winter. I hate that it is 12 F outside (that is -11C, 262K, -8.89R, and FINALLY 472 Rk...) and it is 11:18 AM. I really would like it to be 52F (11C, 284K, 8.89R, or 512Rk) because that is a much more comfortable temperature... The quote of the week... They will be added to the quote page..."Parades... How many bands, horses and kids can you look at? Ugh!" -- Lois.. fun lady.. she kicks ass..

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Habitat Documentary

We'll get to the good stuff in a minute -- First I want to apologize ahead of time. I have been going through my old 'diary' entries from my angelfire site. Lordy, Lord I sound like a valley girl. I am fixing spelling errors and a few other things, but I'm leaving the valley-girl speak and terrible writing, because, well, otherwise it wouldn't be right.

Okay - on to the documentary. This entry is dated sometime in the summer of 2001. I went to visit G while she was doing an internship in Seattle.

The Habitat Documentary

It all started when G,coming home from a day of fishing at work, felt like she was near hypothermia. Leif and I felt bad, so we started to cover her in couch cushions and pillows.

Before long, we had her all snuggly and warm. Leif and I had been watching all sorts of messed up nature documentaries, which for some reason made us act like we were on massive doses of crack, and we dubbed the couch creation,

"The Habitat."

After we built the Habitat, it only took a moment for the same thought to cross Leif's and my mind. "The Habitat" now becomes an even greater source of amusement for the members of the Fish House.

After a while, G emerged from "The Habitat" with a new zest for life, and Leif is willing to subject himself to "The Habitat".

The construction of the "Leif Habitat" Begins.

G goes in for the pounce as Leif hides in his Habitat¶

The "Leif Habitat" takes a beating, and begins to crumble, so the entire Fish house helps to rebuild the habitat.
(G, me, Curtis, Tess, Leif)

Once the Habitat is completely rebuilt, and Leif can live once again in peaceful harmony, the members of the Fish House Rejoice! ¶
(Me, G, Curtis, Dan, Tess,Leif)¶

In Conclusion

Remember children, that everyone's Habitat is a precious and special thing. Take care when viewing "The Habitat" being sure not to taint its natural beauty.

And, ALWAYS remember to put everything back the way it was BEFORE Mom and Dad get home!!

HA! Good times, Good times! Can you believe that we were all at least 20 years old? You'd think we were 12.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Let the fun times begin.

This is one of the first posts I ever submitted to the internets. It was back on my old angelfire page. Don't go looking for me there. I didn't submit any of the data that I needed to be found through the search engines.

There will be more posts, some earlier, some later. I've got some fun posts from vacations spent doing crazy things and visiting awesome places, so those will be intermingled with the history.All of a sudden, I'm having second thoughts. I'm not sure I want to do this. Do I really want to share my sordid history with you all??Okay, Okay, Here is what the header said back in 2002:

What is new in the life of Mary?? Wait a minute... you thought I was going to spill my personal thoughts, dreams and life with a bunch of freaks looking for naked pictures of Yoda?? Yah right... Okay Okay, you know I can't shut up!

Entry dated sometime in December 2001.

Okay...Someone put an entry in my guestbook about how I should give up with the football crap and just tell everyone who this guy is that keeps appearing on my page... Well, I'm not going to tell you who he is, I will just show you some more pics. This is us at the Navy Ball in November...What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man... Ah... Did I just break out music
from the early 90's???

I am taking American Sign Language, that is VERY awesome... Hopefully I will be going to Front Range Community College in Denver to learn how to be an interpreter... You want to learn? Here is a link to a great site to help you learn American Sign Language

Now, wanna take a guess at who the guy was? Yeah. It was Not the Momma. Crazy, huh?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Here we go Folks!

This is a new blog. Dedicated to the boring stuff I used to write about. I'm going to start migrating the 'old' stuff from the angelfire site over here... So that my internets can read just how poorly I used to write. :)