Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entry Dated 6/24/2002

You can tell I am very excited to be married to Not the Momma. Heck, I am still excited to be married to him. He is still a sweetheart, but life gets in the way of romance more often now than it did back then.

We are only a little more than a month from the wedding and things are coming TOGETHER!!! My flowers are almost done...I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with Not the Momma.. He is such a sweetheart, but yah.. that is awfully mushy for a website. This week is going to be crazy, I have a shower, and I am trying to get everything squared away at work, because I only have a little more than a month left here as well (26 working days left). NO.. I am NOT counting down.. What are you thinking???

In Other News:
This is OUR NEW CAR!! (2002 Grey Ford Escape, picture removed) Not the Momma bought it on Saturday. It is so neat to have a new car.. I almost have trouble driving it, because I don't want to wreck it. It is actually a darker color gray than the one in the pic, (almost the same color as the bumper). But, I should get back to work now, so I will have to update everything later!!!

HA! I said I had to get back to 'work.' In 2002 I didn't know the meaning of "work." Well, I did, but I wasn't actively participating in it. That was when I worked at a University Telvision Station. Don't get me wrong, my job was stressful, because I had to deal with angry people with broken computers. But, getting to work at 7am, and sitting there while playing on the internets, managing a very small database, and answering the phones? For what I was getting paid? Wish I could have that job now!

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