Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entry Dated 7/18/02

The day before we got married. For Real. We had planned to get married 8/3/2002, and didn't know that we were going to spend this week in our lives frantically figuring out how NOT to make people angry that they had flown in for a wedding and to witness us be 'married' when we were already. We decided not to keep it a secret, but not to tell anyone. Does that make sense? Also -- I switched URLs at this point. I went from Mary's Page, to Mary & Not the Momma's page. I can't find a lot of the stuff from Mary's Page. Wish I could. That stuff would be J.U.I.C.Y!

Today is Thursday, we are only two weeks and two days until our wedding. I decided to make this page to keep our families and friends updated as to what is going on. In a month and a day, the movers will be tearing through our apartment, and packing our stuff for the long trip to Rhode Island. On September 3, we will be living there. We ran into some trouble getting into a place to live in Rhode Island, so we will actually be getting married tomorrow. This way, we can get into Navy Housing. It was a hard decision, but it will be better if Not the Momma doesn't have to drive 40 minutes both ways during rush hour traffic, across a toll bridge every day. We also will be able to use our own furniture, which is nice. I am not really hip on furnished apartments. They kind of scare me. But anyway, Today is Day one of this page, and no one will even know about it until next week, when I have a fowarding address. Have a good day!!¶

Entery Dated 7/8/2002

Someone said that my page was like a freakin' ghost town. Wanna know why?? BECAUSE IT IS!!!! No one has signed my guestbook for ages. I know that is sorta my fault because I was bad about updating my pages, but hopefully things will start picking up again. It is T-15 working days left for me at *TV Station, not to be named*. (Maybe 16, depends on if I take Friday off or not. I might.) The biggest news though, is that today is only 23 days until I get married, and become a DUM DUM DUM.... Mrs. Not the Momma... I know.. Scary huh?? Well, everything is coming together with that. I have almost everything taken care of... A few minor things to do...I am getting very excited. The weekend after Not the Momma and I get married, we will go to COLORADO!! My favorite state (so far). The weekend after that, Not the Momma (at least he should) will Graduate from the University of Nebraska, and is Commissioned into the US Navy. Two days later the movers come to remove most of our stuff from the apartment. Then we will clean the apartment, and I don't know what we will do for our last few days in Nebraska. After that, we head to Newport, Rhode Island, followed six months later, by our last move for a while, at least (hopefully) to Norfolk Virginia. I am getting excited, but at the same time, a little scared. I will miss my family, but am looking forward to all of the great things that are coming my way. When we get to Virginia, I will be able to finish my degree!!! I finished the rehearsal dinner invitations last night. I am sooo looking forward to August. It is going to be the best month of my life.

Entry Dated 6/24/2002

You can tell I am very excited to be married to Not the Momma. Heck, I am still excited to be married to him. He is still a sweetheart, but life gets in the way of romance more often now than it did back then.

We are only a little more than a month from the wedding and things are coming TOGETHER!!! My flowers are almost done...I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with Not the Momma.. He is such a sweetheart, but yah.. that is awfully mushy for a website. This week is going to be crazy, I have a shower, and I am trying to get everything squared away at work, because I only have a little more than a month left here as well (26 working days left). NO.. I am NOT counting down.. What are you thinking???

In Other News:
This is OUR NEW CAR!! (2002 Grey Ford Escape, picture removed) Not the Momma bought it on Saturday. It is so neat to have a new car.. I almost have trouble driving it, because I don't want to wreck it. It is actually a darker color gray than the one in the pic, (almost the same color as the bumper). But, I should get back to work now, so I will have to update everything later!!!

HA! I said I had to get back to 'work.' In 2002 I didn't know the meaning of "work." Well, I did, but I wasn't actively participating in it. That was when I worked at a University Telvision Station. Don't get me wrong, my job was stressful, because I had to deal with angry people with broken computers. But, getting to work at 7am, and sitting there while playing on the internets, managing a very small database, and answering the phones? For what I was getting paid? Wish I could have that job now!

Entry Dated 6/14/2002

Only a little over a month to go until we got married when I wrote this post. I didn't know it, but 8/3 was not to be our wedding day. We still had a wedding, but we were married on 7/19. Housing Issues. The months of May, June and July that year were a flurry of wedding preparations. I only had about three months to plan. I am lucky I went to a small church, and my parents had the real estate (IE, a barn in their backyard) for the reception. Now on to the real entry:

Okay. So I have been horrible.. It has been over 2 months since I have written last. I DO have a good excuse though!! I have been busy planning a WEDDING!! That's right everyone!! Not the Momma proposed at the end of April, and our Wedding is planned for August 3, 2002. Everything is in order now. We have the church set, the reception site is planned, a caterer lined up, pretty much all we need to do is silly stuff that you don't even think about until you are half way through the planning of the wedding. We are ALMOST DONE though, and that is a relief!
We are going to Estes Park, CO for our honeymoon, and WOW will that be fun. (That is, as long as the entire western side of Colorado hasn't burnt to a crisp). My grandfather is even possibly coming, which is crazy because I haven't seen him since I was 5 years old. G is also back in town, which is totally awesome. I will write more as to what has happened later, but now I should probably get back to work!!